15 August 2008

The Clinton Nomination

Hillary Clinton's name will be entered in nomination at Denver. This is the first time in 16 years, since Jerry Brown challenged Bill Clinton, that this has happened. Others say that this will help heal the party, assuage the PUMAs, and lead to the kind of unity needed in the fall. I think they're all crazy.

This is the Clinton grand plan to launch the 2012 race. As I said back in the spring, the Clintons will work very hard to elect John McCain so that Hillary can run in 2012. Remember, Mike Bloomberg didn't run this year because he didn't want to run against Obama. He won't feel that way in 4 years when the Clintons are at it again.

We didn't listen hard enough back in the 90's. The Clintons should be ashamed.


Anonymous said...

Nice to see the unity hasn't spread to this site. What's up with that horrendous picture of Hillary Clinton? Are you promoting a unity or disunity party?

Anonymous said...

"We didn't listen hard enough back in the 90's. The Clintons should be ashamed."

What does this mean? Should be ashamed of what? A successful presidency? The first 1st lady to be elected U.S. senator and first female senator of New York once the 90s ended?

Why do you have Clinton Derangement syndrome? Did Jerry Brown's delegate vote bring down the Clinton presidency in 1992?

Anonymous said...

You still think Hillary Clinton is doing everything she can to elect McCain in 2012? Did you see her speech last week? And Bill's speech? Are you going to retract your erroneous comments?

DocJess said...

You know anonymous -- Hillary and Bill we EXCELLENT last week, and I am pleased as punch and proud that they said what they did. I am hoping with all my heart that their attitude, and their actions continue in that vein.